There are few things in the world danger smoking today that are so dangerous to humans and yet as common as smoking. Although the practice has been declining in popularity, remains a threat not only to individuals but also danger of cigarette smoking to the environment, our pets and animals, and society in general danger smoking.
Why smoking is dangerous is an easy subject, but complicated. There are more than 700 chemical additives present in each cigarette. When lit the cigarette, and reaches nearly 2,000 degrees danger smoking hazardous chemicals are released into the air, and most of them are inhaled by the smoker and those around him.
Nicotine is the most important factor in cigarettes because it stimulates the body to become addicted. Once a person is addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes, the chances danger smoking of diseases such as lung cancer, danger of cigarette smoking throat cancer, respiratory problems, and a series of other problems increases.
The more a smoker smokes, the greater the likelihood of developing a number of ailments that not only him or her misery danger smoking, and perhaps because of your life, but also the costs of insurance companies for money take care of them, turn average cost contributors packets.
The effects of smoking on pregnant women are even more dangerous. It has been repeatedly proven that danger smoking smoking directly affects embryo. It is estimated that 13% of pregnant women smoke. If these women smoked during pregnancy, or at least stop smoking completely, the infant mortality rate will danger of cigarette smoking be reduced by 10%. There is an increased consumption of ectopic pregnancy danger smoking and placental complications risk, which can be dangerous for the life of the mother and baby. Low birth weight is the most common complication, and premature births.
The three main ingredients in cigarettes that cause problems are nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide danger smoking. Nicotine raises blood pressure and heart rate, but also provides the smoker with a relaxing effect, which is the basis of addiction. Once the effects of nicotine have been warned, about 30 minutes, a smoker feels danger of cigarette smoking the need to achieve a new cigarette .
Tar is unpleasant substance adheres to the lining of the lungs. Destroys the cilia, hairlike inside the lungs, which danger smoking promote capture harmful particles projections. This leads to the need of lungs to pump harder to get oxygen into the body of the smoker.
Carbon monoxide is another trap oxygen. Combination with hemoglobin, the carbon monoxide reduces the effectiveness of red blood cells danger of cigarette smoking carry oxygen danger smoking. "This makes the smoker becomes breathless easily.
Why smoking is dangerous is an easy subject, but complicated. There are more than 700 chemical additives present in each cigarette. When lit the cigarette, and reaches nearly 2,000 degrees danger smoking hazardous chemicals are released into the air, and most of them are inhaled by the smoker and those around him.
Nicotine is the most important factor in cigarettes because it stimulates the body to become addicted. Once a person is addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes, the chances danger smoking of diseases such as lung cancer, danger of cigarette smoking throat cancer, respiratory problems, and a series of other problems increases.
The more a smoker smokes, the greater the likelihood of developing a number of ailments that not only him or her misery danger smoking, and perhaps because of your life, but also the costs of insurance companies for money take care of them, turn average cost contributors packets.
The effects of smoking on pregnant women are even more dangerous. It has been repeatedly proven that danger smoking smoking directly affects embryo. It is estimated that 13% of pregnant women smoke. If these women smoked during pregnancy, or at least stop smoking completely, the infant mortality rate will danger of cigarette smoking be reduced by 10%. There is an increased consumption of ectopic pregnancy danger smoking and placental complications risk, which can be dangerous for the life of the mother and baby. Low birth weight is the most common complication, and premature births.
The three main ingredients in cigarettes that cause problems are nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide danger smoking. Nicotine raises blood pressure and heart rate, but also provides the smoker with a relaxing effect, which is the basis of addiction. Once the effects of nicotine have been warned, about 30 minutes, a smoker feels danger of cigarette smoking the need to achieve a new cigarette .
Tar is unpleasant substance adheres to the lining of the lungs. Destroys the cilia, hairlike inside the lungs, which danger smoking promote capture harmful particles projections. This leads to the need of lungs to pump harder to get oxygen into the body of the smoker.
Carbon monoxide is another trap oxygen. Combination with hemoglobin, the carbon monoxide reduces the effectiveness of red blood cells danger of cigarette smoking carry oxygen danger smoking. "This makes the smoker becomes breathless easily.
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