If you think smoking is a facts about smoking for kids harmless little hobby and all the people who insist that quitting is over reactors , think again . Smoking is the leading preventable cause of premature death and morbidity in America. There is nothing more dangerous than you can do for your health facts about smoking for kids.
And not just bad for you facts about smoking for kids, smoking around children can cause serious health complications down the road and cause serious damage the lungs and other vital organs develop . All this information is well documented by the AMA , the American Lung and heart associations and the American Cancer facts about smoking for kids Society.
Background The problem of smoking
Smoking has facts about smoking for kids been identified as the major source of preventable morbidity and premature mortality worldwide . Smoking is responsible for about one in five deaths in the United States . From 1995-1999 , tobacco killed more than 440,000 people in the United States each year. This includes some 264,087 deaths among men and 178,311 women per year. In adults facts about smoking for kids , most smoking-attributable deaths were lung cancer ( 124,813 ) , coronary heart disease ( 81,976 ) and chronic airway obstruction ( 64735 ) .
Excluding adult deaths from exposure to secondhand smoke, adult men and women lost an average of 13.2 and 14.5 years, facts about smoking for kids respectively , due to tobacco consumption . If current trends continue smoking in the United States , an estimated 6.4 million children ( 8,830 per 100,000 ) will die from a tobacco-related disease prematurely.
Smoking costs the economy more than $ 150 billion in health care costs and lost productivity each year, with $ 81.9 billion in facts about smoking for kids lost productivity related to mortality and 75.5 billion in spending medical excess . Is directly responsible for 87 percent of lung cancer cases and causes most cases of emphysema and chronic bronchitis facts about smoking for kids.
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the United States. It is estimated that up to 30% of facts about smoking for kids deaths from cardiovascular diseases are the result of smoking. In 2001, about 65,000 women died from lung cancer . 85,000 men die each year from smoking-related cancers of the trachea , lungs and bronchi .
These facts about smoking for kids statistics are encouraging and indicate that smoking has a much more negative impact on the health of Americans and the strength of our economy than most people are aware . These statistics alone should make people stop smoking, facts about smoking for kids but unfortunately many people fall into the habit .
In 2000 , over 70 % of smokers facts about smoking for kids want to quit , and 41 % treated for at least a day. Many smokers say they are 8-11 times before leaving for good. With a large majority of smokers who want to quit smoking , it is imperative that they receive the tools and support they need to improve their facts about smoking for kids chances of success.